I'm a Junior Game Designer, currently studying Games Development at Level 3 UAL in USP College and this is my 2nd year portfolio.
Specialism Project
The "Specialism" project involves identifying where I want to find expertise in within the game design industry and what role I want to go into. Personally, I've always intended on programming and the evidence of this is made through three segments. The group project, specialism research as well as a creation involving programming. Although the group project is its own notable segment already, it provided evidence of work toward my specialism and therefore I'll include my personal reflective journal of my programming progress and input within our development process for our game, "The Lodge". Overall, the specialism project is an in-depth take on my interests and lead onto my potential career path.
The Lodge - Personal Reflective Journal:
A reflective journal and progression review of my input into the group project section of the specialism project. This includes my personal intake into the project (mechanics I made and any other aspects I was involved in) as well as my outlook on the entire process.
Specialism Research:
Identifying a multitude of factors about programming, from its recent developments through to the languages I want to learn as well as my own experiences programming. This provided a helpful insight into what the game programming role entails, can lead to and its links throughout the creative industries and computing as a whole.
Specialism Project Progression:
A production log to track my progress and developments of my specialist project as well as any thoughts, changes or demonstrations that occurred during this project. The purpose of this document is to clearly depict how my project went as well as helped me keep track of where I was in terms of development and what I am to do next by giving notes and thoughts to myself for next time I open the logbook. Although I found that my project did not result in what I aspired for it, this is the evidence of the process.