I'm a Junior Game Designer, currently studying Games Development at Level 3 UAL in USP College and this is my 2nd year portfolio.

Group Project
The premise of the Group Project, although vague, was a learning experience into how to approach and plan a team project. Mainly, it was to create a game where we could all focus on our own segments and roles for development which fed into our specialism research and discovery. Although our final result was not as fully developed as we intended for it to be, not only were we satisfied given it had essentially everything we needed in there but also made us aware of how we could improve as a group as well as individuals if another group project were to happen again.
The Lodge - Reflective Journal:
A reflective journal of the group project and game development of "The Lodge". This includes the creation process of only my additions such as mechanics and research into Horror Engine as well as my own evaluation on how the project went, what could've been different and what there was to be learnt from it.
The Lodge - Group Reflective Journal & Screenshots:
A reflective journal and progression review of the group project and game development of "The Lodge". This includes the creation process of each asset and aspect of everyone involved in its development.